Shaun has just wrapped up putting together the videos for the Syngenta SPRAY awards, and they’ve been getting a bit of attention. You may have seen them in The Land or other Rural Press publications.
SPRAY – what a great acronym
Standing for Sustainable, Productive and Responsible Applicator of the Year – it also sums up exactly what entrants in the competition have to demonstrate they do effectively to win. Syngenta have been running the Awards for four years. Last year they got us on board to help get the word out to their target market of farmers and spray contractors in regional Australia. They’d already come up with the name, so we won’t pretend that was one of our contributions. Darn.
Promoting the SPRAY Awards
Our role in the campaign began with Sam designing an ad to suit different configurations in both magazines and newspapers for publication across the country. These ads promoted the competition and included the entry form that was needed to enter. A corresponding web ad was then created. The design was then expanded and brought to life in the video/ motion graphics Shaun developed for the video’s introduction.
SPRAY Award Winner Tony Bugeja took out the prize for the state of Queensland.
Meet South Australian winner Robin Krieg, Victorian David Brunton and Chris Taylor from NSW.