This video was part of a motion graphics campaign we just launched for Girl Guides Australia. It was one of those fun projects we wish we’d just had more time to work on, it included a two minute YouTube video, which directed people to a special landing page where they could download a PDF resource.
New Website: Total Equipment Group
We just finished another website, this time for Total Equipment Group. TEG specialises in sourcing and running the right machines for the mining and heavy construction sector.
New website: The Great Australian Petfood Co.
We’ve just finished a website overhaul for The Great Australian Petfood Company. The response so far has been very positive:
Well done it looks really good, we are stoked. The feedback we have been receiving is brilliant!
Scott Arnold, National Sales Manager.
The morning after launch, the first sales enquiries came in, and they’ve been pouring in ever since. It’s a testament to the effectiveness of that modest bit of web technology—the enquiry form.
The good kind of manipulation!
In the past, we’ve talked about choosing custom illustration over stock photography (…don’t forget we offer illustration…) but we also know not all projects call for it. So if you still want more excitement than mere stock can provide, consider Orion’s photo manipulation services!
PDK Corporate Events
Another new site’s gone live today, this time for our friends at PDK Events. We’ve been working together for over 10 years, and it was about time we gave them an upgrade.
How Orion helped the donations skyrocket!
Back in late 2010 we were approached by two lovely ladies from Hear the Children (after they saw what a great job we did for Wings Away) to work on the Tour de Hills website.
The Tour de Hills is a charity bike ride event held every year to raise funds for the Rotary Club of Castle Hill and they pass on the donations to their selected Charities. This year the major charity was Hear the Children, a not for profit organisation that helps hearing impaired children and babies to learn to talk.
Citrix Illustrated
Stock photography is bloody useful, cost-effective, quick and easy, but it can also come off a little lazy, too general, and far too easy to spot.
Here we lovingly call it B-roll—need a man holding a hammer to fill some empty space? We got that b-roll!
For a recent project, Citrix wanted to illustrate a PowerPoint presentation with many very specific photos. The main problem of course would be sourcing them all, but trying to tie them together would be a problem too, when they’re all from different photographers and shoots.
How about sprucing up your interior?
We were given the opportunity to help out Hardman Communications with their interior signage. With the key purpose of providing privacy for staff and clients.
Shaun’s rant: less bang for your buck
Minimalism seems to be a hot topic in the design world this month. Perhaps Starbucks’ newly redesigned logo is the catalyst? Personally I think the redesign is a big improvement, but I’m a fan of minimalism as a whole. Take a look at these refreshing minimalist redesigns. And in web design, number 3 on Mashable’s Predictions for Web Design in 2011.