
social media marketing

Social Media for Business: Twitter

Getting started on Twitter can be tricky business. There are a lot of new terms to learn, it’s very fast paced and if you’re new to social media it can take a bit of getting used to. To accelerate you along that learning curve we’ve put together a handy guide on getting a Twitter account started for your business.

Social media survival

Social media is word-of-mouth on a giant scale and is recognised as one of the most influential of all marketing channels today. Despite this, many businesses don’t engage in social media.

When surveyed, the main reasons given were;

  • Lack of understanding of how it all works
  • Difficulty in establishing return on investment; and,
  • Fear of something going wrong.

Social media is not going away. Avoiding it is not a strategy. Brands can be negatively impacted by social media whether or not they choose to participate in it. If your company does choose to have a presence on social media though, it increases the ways you can monitor and influence the impression of your brand; plus you’re in a better position to curb any impending disaster before it takes hold.

Why aren’t I ranked first on Google?

This is a question we hear all the time at Orion, and it’s not an easy one to answer. Google is constantly updating their own algorithm to provide users with the best possible search results, and the trend in recent years is to reward sites with great, well-written and original content over sites that spam keywords throughout their copy in an effort to rank. Meta keywords are out – great content is in!

Hello Sean

Another new addition to the team! We’re so happy to have Sean Rom around to write copy, make use of his extensive production skills and you know, make inappropriate jokes.

Google+, Social Media and SEO

Google recently unveiled their new Facebook competitor, Google+ – they are currently in a closed testing phase – though you can get invites if you know the right people (like us for example). It has a number of great features, along with a clean, simplified design (you may have noticed Google and GMail’s design changing recently to match).

Only time will tell if it’s as popular as Facebook or Twitter, but if anyone can do it, it’s Google. In fact, according to a recent study Google+ acheived over 10 million users in a matter of days.

SEO… Serious Business. Seriously.

More and more often we are asked to help a website we design get to the first page of Google.

The acronym that will help you get there is SEO… SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Search Engine Optimisation is all about making your website get found on the internets.

So… how do we get to the first page* on Google?